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Sometimes life gives us signs.


I literally saw my sign on the side of a bus when walking to work it said, “Better not Bigger”.


Since then, this profound message has rippled through my life, helped me discover the real me, make better financial choices and give me courage to live more authentically.


In 2015 I decided to start blogging about my experiences as a both a creative outlet and a way to help others on their own journey of mastery, authenticity, and a seeking a better life.


In 2023 after five years of fence sitting and sick and tired of the proverbial indecision splinters up my butt, I agreed to sell my business and never work again.


Today I float between Japan, Australia and SE Asia depending on the best weather and seasons for skiing, biking and travelling. I’m also writing a book, you will be able buy and read soon 😉 whilst also continuing to post my discoveries inspirations and adventures in my monthly newsletter, Keeping It Real.

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